Don't know what I am talking about? Check out my attempt at putting together a complete herbal blog list.
All this is pretty amazing considering that herbalism was all but dead in North America as little as four decades ago. Now we are able to share an incredible amount of information in so many different ways.
One comment I've heard over and over again from those using the herbal blogroll as a resource is that there are sooo many great blogs, but how do they make time for it? One idea I've come up with is to highlight a blogpost 1-2 times a month. (Here's another blog organizing tip.)
I hope to highlight a variety of different blogs on a variety of different topics from monographs, to herbal theory to DIY herbal medicine.
Why blogs?
One reason I love reading blogs so much is the contemporary nature of a blog. The collection of herbal blogs today represent an interesting anthropological view of herbalism in the early 21st century. This can include not only HOW we are using herbs but also issues within herbalism.
Herbal Blog Spotlight
In that vein I've chosen to highlight a blog post about the herbalist's path from the Herb Geek Blog. This blogpost discusses a topic I hear more and more frequently in the herbal world. Many people are answering their herbal passion and then wondering, how does this become both my passion and my way of making a living? What is the path of the herbalist?
Herb Geek author, Mélanie Pulla offer us her thoughts on the herbalist's path in this blog post.